Saturday 7 February 2009

More City

Out again today photographing the city, trying to pull together all the ideas, advise and inspiration up to now:

Thursday 5 February 2009

The Snow Factor

Snows really quite distracting, I don't mean the inner child snowman desire, it seems to distract me from the project ideas I already have. This is probably because the world looks so different under snow, though essentially its the same, its only a bit of cold water.

Having said that a couple that I made did turn out alright, here you go:

A Brief

I response to a question to Hugh this morning, he mentioned the brief, or my brief. This reminded me that the brief he gave us was quite vague and writing my own brief might be helpful.
I'm not going to make this any long winded thing, just a brief brief to outline my intention. Come to think of it, its only recently that my intentions for this project have become slightly clearer, even to me. This considered, now is probably a good time to lay down some intentions; after the photos are taken.

I want to represent the city of Nottingham through its life today, through its people. I also want to include myself but not in too obvious a way, more just I was there, I was a part of it. I am not an impartial observer, I live here too. Through composition and construction of the images I hope to deliver meaning to the viewer, though I understand this is difficult to achieve.
I want to portray Nottingham as a pleasant place, it has a reputation for crime but I've never personally witnessed this, I'm sure its no worse than any other UK city, and this reputation is just down to statistic wrangling by the media. I hope to show this is true with my photographs.

Monday 2 February 2009

Single Image

Good point Julia, this photo does stand well on its own, you have the dish representing my world, with me in the centre then you have a patch of green on one side and the gray buildings on the other, representing the countryside where I normally live and the city where I live now, all tied up in one image.

Just to see how the meaning could change I went back to this spot today in the snow. The meaning is lost because you cant see the green grass symbolising the countryside.