Thursday 5 February 2009

A Brief

I response to a question to Hugh this morning, he mentioned the brief, or my brief. This reminded me that the brief he gave us was quite vague and writing my own brief might be helpful.
I'm not going to make this any long winded thing, just a brief brief to outline my intention. Come to think of it, its only recently that my intentions for this project have become slightly clearer, even to me. This considered, now is probably a good time to lay down some intentions; after the photos are taken.

I want to represent the city of Nottingham through its life today, through its people. I also want to include myself but not in too obvious a way, more just I was there, I was a part of it. I am not an impartial observer, I live here too. Through composition and construction of the images I hope to deliver meaning to the viewer, though I understand this is difficult to achieve.
I want to portray Nottingham as a pleasant place, it has a reputation for crime but I've never personally witnessed this, I'm sure its no worse than any other UK city, and this reputation is just down to statistic wrangling by the media. I hope to show this is true with my photographs.

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