Wednesday 21 January 2009

Continuing with the idea of first and last things, I've documented yesterdays first and last meals.
As you can see their is quite a difference, just to add I don't eat kebabs as normal meals their just quite tempting after a night out.

Im not sure at this point if this first and last idea will work, I can see myself running out of ideas quite quickly, and everything getting a bit samey, let me know what you think.

Also what do you think of this image, do you think including flatmates makes it look like a bit of a snap? Ive purposely included the poster in the background as its quite poignant after a night in Oceana.


  1. Hello fellow blogger.. let me start by saying.. Why were we talking about our photography blogs in oceana!? ha thats to much enthusiam.

    I'm liking the first and last theme and the most recent photos posted are a little bit Martin Parr.? Nice and English! Anddddd, no, i like the one with the boys in it particularly the guy in black. He has a classic 'wasted' expression. What would a crop look like?

    I also like the very first picture you posted lots.

  2. haha, i like your matching colours for breakfast and the delicious grease stain of the 'meat'

  3. Love the Paul Smith vibe to the blog - and the way the mug matches the header! The window shots have a real 'faraway' nature to them which contrasts with the interior darkness. Good stuff... Linda
