Monday 26 January 2009

New Direction

As I discussed in yesterdays post, Im taking the project in a different direction, after looking at how Marc Riboud represented Leeds I want to do something similar with Nottingham, my world so to speak.
As a starting point I've had a look back at the last project, and the photos I made centered around the cities bus stops.

I enjoyed making these images and want to go down the same route again, making these images involved sitting and watching, waiting for an interesting group of people to gather, this time i think that approach wont really work as it only shows a very limited aspect of goings on. This time I think I need to go out looking for those interesting scenes.

I've been out today doing just that and this is what I've come up with, I don't think any of these really cut it, but I intend to go out every day until I get something good.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting - you need to get a bit closer however also pay attention to the construction of the images - have a look at Lee Friedlander...
