Tuesday 27 January 2009

Sander and Friedlander

After today's lecture and seminar revolving around the work of August Sander, I've been giving some thought on how to structure this project. I like the way Sander divided his project between different sectors of society, The Farmer, The Woman, The City, etc.
I think I could do something similar with different areas of the city, Lenton, Radford, City Centre... One thing that concerns me though is that it could end up being seen as judgemental with regard to the differences between deprived and affluent areas, like Sander purposely used different compositions to elevate the important figures, I aim to avoid this, perhaps though it is inevitable that some aspect of it will show through.

Thanks for the comment Hugh, wasn't it Capa that said "If your photos arn't good enough, your not close enough", either way sounds like good advise I'll give it a go. Also Lee Friedlanders work looks perfect for what I'm trying to do, I'll have a closer look at him tomorrow.

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