Saturday 31 January 2009

More Work - Reflections

Ive been working at improving my composition, and bringing more meaning into my photos. Looking over Friedlanders work some more, one thing he uses a lot are reflections, often including himself. Ive given this a go myself to see what it says to the viewer about me, to see if it can carry some of my own feelings and opinions about the world.
Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. The way you have used reflections here shows places without describing the places in a way that other people can recognise them. You have managed to make them strange even to people who might have passed them every day.

    The top image places you at the centre of the globe with the surroundings bending around you. This works really well as a single image which sort of describes the aim of the project. Im liking the new angle your working from.
